Damn, the fascist break is over

When the bourgeoisie sees that power is slipping out of its hands, it brings up fascism to hold onto their privileges. Buenaventura Durruti


Fascism is itself less ‘ideological’, in so far as it openly proclaims the principle of domination that is elsewhere concealed. Theodor Adorno

Is the so-called lack of love, as Adorno said in the film, in fact a characteristic of every human being, quite without exception?  What happened, if love seeds love, but cold seeds cold? Could be the technocratic society an expression of love at all? A visual dialogue about the return of the pendulum. If you love to react, send your visual expression.

It is really a strange passion when someone uses all his energy to set barbed wire boundaries behind which freedom, love or even reason must end. What may be the wish behind it??


“But they really opening up the door for us.”

Everything what happens is symbol. JWG


If you can´t fuck or eat it, piss on it. Paul Auster


adorno_denkmal-4 adorno-denkmal

to be continued…


What’s up?

Stop talking. Let your film leak and take part of a wonderfull visual dialogue. Your pulse travels whilst ensuring relations between motion pictures.  It develops a dialogue of differences – a cinematic exchange of perspectives, standpoints or emotions – regardless of the place where authors live or work. Exciting? Let’s go, join in.

Our goal

Stop talking. Let your film leak and take part of a wonderfull visual dialogue. You can pick up, resume, comment, or disprove any Filmleak from anywhere in the world by simply creating a movie and send the link to Filmleaks. It does no matter if it’s Ari, Red, Hi8 or Cell Phone, whether driven by policy or poetry, journalistic, documentary or fictional. The only criteria is: it have to be the power to continue or start a cinematic discourse. All it takes is the impuls to initiate and trigger. The pulse travels whilst ensuring relations between the films.  It develops a dialogue of differences – a cinematic exchange of perspectives, standpoints or emotions – regardless of the place where authors live or work. Totally exciting, right? If you are interested, join in.

Get in touch

Just send me a link as a start or part of a visual dialogue. I will put it where you want it to be. If you want, curate your own film series as a user of Filmleaks. Of course, every Filmmaker and curator from around the world as well as creatives, producers and Webspecialists are invited to organize, develop and design the project further.