Athens diary

It´s a open secret, that the Greek way of life is not very powerful in terms of strait business. But who would guess, that exactly this may be his strength? Of corse, a nation witch this story (2500 years Homer, Sophocles, Aristotle, Hippocrates, and Pythagoras among the sandals) must have negotiated the meritocracy and be focused on the good life. Everything else would be a miserable failure. A visual dialogue on universal anthropological achievements in the Greek / oriental habits. If you love to react, send me your visual expression.


Before I came to Athens in 1995, I read at the request of my grandmother Henry Miller’s essayist report “The Colossus of Maroussi”. The book became a guid experience, because Miller expressed, viewing his homeland USA, the lifestyle of people who were mainly subjected to economic functions and smashed this image powerfull into a mirror of present, love and transience – like he found it in greece. Really very readable.

The Colossus of Maroussi is an impressionist travelogue, written in 1939 and first published in 1941 by Colt Press of San Francisco. As an impoverished writer in need of rejuvenation, Miller travelled to Greece at the invitation of his friend, the writer Lawrence Durrell. The text is inspired by the events that occurred. The text is ostensibly a portrait of the Greek writer George Katsimbalis, although some critics have opined that is more of a self-portrait of Miller himself. Miller considered it to be his greatest work.

Henry Miller | The Colssus of Maroussi

Η Καημένη, Η Μαργαρίτα – Αμπατζή Ρίτα

The Henry Miller Odyssey by Robert Snyder

Dinner With Henry Miller  by Richard Young

to be continued…

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